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Theater Class

5th Grade Theater

Begins with an introduction to theater via theatrical games promoting teamwork, risk-taking, speaking alone in front of the class, tableau, facial expressions and the use of the body. Students will learn the parts of the stage and their abbreviations. Second trimester, students will be introduced to improvisation. They will be exposed to speaking in front of an audience, and trained in being able to think quickly on their feet while as use their imaginations. Trimester three will be a collaboration between art, music and theater. In theater, students will be learning about voice-over work and how to develop a script.

6th Grade Theater

 Begins with monologue work for individual performance. Students will focus on the use of their face, voice and body to tell a story. Second trimester, students will focus on pantomime and movement in storytelling. Third trimester students will be exposed to elements of technical theater.

7th Grade Theater

 Begins with scene study 1 class in which students will analyze and perform written scenes. Students will focus on character development and staging. Second trimester is a World Theater class, where students will learn various theatrical styles from all over the world. Students will research and present an aspect of theater from another culture. Third semester, students will study technical theater aspects in regards to a text. Focus will be on costume and makeup design.  

8th Grade Theater

Begins with Shakespeare Appreciation, where students will research and perform a Shakespearean monologue. Second trimester TBA. Third trimester students will have a choice of several electives within the fine arts department to focus on for the remainder of the year.