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Engineering & Tech Program

The Middle School Educational Technology experience involves the Technology Integration Specialist and our subject area teachers. Weekly labs in grades 5 and 6 expand the foundational skills students learn in the elementary schools. Using Chromebooks, Windows 10 PCs, Ipads and other technology devices, with teacher guidance, students are encouraged to explore technology within a wide range of digital applications that enhance production, promote creativity, and demonstrate learning. As students progress through our middle school, they continually refine their skills and move toward independence in the identification of applications. The goal is to help students become self-sufficient, productive, and thoughtful digital citizens in their academic and extracurricular activities. Through this framework, critical thinking, analysis, and presentation skills are also improved as they prepare for more advanced upper school challenges. The goals of the Middle School Educational Technology  program are consistent with the school and district’s vision and mission, state frameworks, state and national standards, The ISTE Standards for Students, and the media and technology standards.

Foundational skills and application examples:

G Suite for cloud-based collaboration, communication, storage, and  creation in all classes

Publisher fundamentals for graphics

iMovie and GarageBand to create music and videos  

NXT for Lego programming in robotics  

Scratch to introduce visual programming  

Programming syntax using Phyton

3D design and printing using CAD and 3D Printers

Website and blog creation

Digital citizenship and online interaction

The Microsoft Office Suite productivity software

Research utilizing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts online Databases,  scholarly journals, periodicals and other publications